01732 850 033 Hadlow Primary School
Kent TN11 0EH -
Hop Farm
01622 872 788 The Hop Farm Country Park
Paddock Wood
Kent TN12 6PY -
Head Office
01732 851 841 Standford Lane
Kent TN11 0JN
Barnies Impact
How does Barnies measure the Impact of the education it provides?
Meeting the individual needs of all children lies at the heart of the EYFS and it is important to deliver personalised learning, development and care to help children get the best possible start in life. Integral to teaching is how practitioners assess what children know, understand and can do, as well as taking account of their interests and dispositions to learn (characteristics of effective learning), and how practitioners use this information to plan children’s next steps in learning and monitor their progress.
Effective assessment involves analysing and reviewing what is known about each child’s development and learning so that next steps to learning can be planned to meet their individual needs, this is called assessment for learning under the EYFS.
Formative Assessment - is assessment based on observations, photos, video, things children make or draw, information from parents etc.
Summative Assessment – is a summary of all the formative assessments done over a longer period and makes a statement about a child’s achievements. The EYFS Profile is the summative assessment used to review children’s progress along the early learning goals
Barnies fully understands supports and endeavours to comply with the ethos devised through “Every Child Matters”. It aims to have regard to the Code of Practice on the identification and assessment of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), in order to provide a welcome and appropriate learning environment for all children. It is our aim to help all children reach their potential.
The parents’ role in sharing information regarding children’s progress is vital and Barnies encourages this liaison through daily contact with the key person, attendance at parent’s evenings etc.
As part of the EYFS requirements it is also important that Barnies shares information with other EYFS providers that the children attend and parental consent is essential for us to be able to do this.
When children become eligible to start school Barnies requests that parents are involved in the completion of a summary document which is sent to the school they will be transferring in to. We liaise closely with the schools into which the children transfer sharing information and inviting teaching staff into the setting. Schools consistently provide positive feedback about the transition from Barnies to school and children settle quickly into their new environments.