Barnies Day Nurseries and Pre-schools

Barnies - Fee Structure

Barnies Day Nurseries and Preschools Fee Structure

Should you require any further information, please contact us.

as of April 1st 2025

£42.50 PER ½ DAY (5 hours)
£79.25 PER DAY TERM TIME ONLY (State Term date only)
£49.50 PER ½ DAY (5 hours) TERM TIME ONLY (State Term dates only)
All fees are payable one month in advance.  Full fees are payable in the event of illness or holidays excluding all public and bank holidays and are subject to review.  Fees include all food and drinks but do not include nappies or formula milk. Fees are not transferable or refundable in the event of illness or non-attendance.
OPENING HOURS: 8am - 6pm
7.30am available on request at an additional charge
MONDAY to FRIDAY inclusive.
OPEN ALL YEAR except public and bank holidays.


£14.00 PER HOUR or part thereof
or £19.50 PER HOUR TERM TIME ONLY (State term dates)

£7.00 PER HALF HOUR or part thereof

£2.60 per hour FEE voluntary consumable charge
or £3.20 per hour TERM TIME ONLY

£5.00 meals – half day (if applicable)
The hourly consumable charge is applicable to days that are funded through the Free Early Education (FEE) or Working Parent Entitlement (WPE). These fees are payable one month in advance and in the event of illness or holidays excluding all public and bank holidays and are subject to review.  The consumable charge includes all meals and additional consumable resources. These fees are not transferable or refundable in the event of illness or non-attendance. 
EXTRA DAYS £ As detailed above
(After 12.00 midday
on 1st of the month)
£10.00 PER DAY
(including Saturdays, Sundays, and any Public or Bank Holiday)
LATE COLLECTION: £14.00 PER HOUR or part thereof or £19.50 PER HOUR TERM TIME ONLY
Ordinarily additional/other charges require immediate payment either before attendance or at time of collection.

A non-refundable deposit is required at the time of reserving a place. This will be flexible up to 1 month from the original agreed start date. Delays to the start date beyond one month will require a further deposit payment on the same terms. The deposit will be deducted from the first and future, if applicable, invoice(s) until cleared.
DEPOSIT: £50.00 per day or half day reserved

Invoices are issued via email to the email address parents provide usually sent out around the 20th of the month in advance for payment by the first of the month applicable. Funds must be cleared into our account by the 1st of the month to avoid any late charges. Parents using the HMRC or voucher systems to pay for fees these must be activated by the 25th of the month to ensure funds clear in time. Both these methods of payment can take up to 4 or 5 days from activation before funds are received into Barnies account if the BACS option for payment isn’t used. Late receipt of these fees will occur charges in the same way as payments made by any other method.